With Summer past, fall slipping away, and Winter knocking on our doors it’s time to think about “Waxing the Plows.” (Not sure I’ve ever waxed a plow., it’s what I was told long ago.)
It is with great pleasure that I share my first President’s Message. The first half of my Presidency has been eventful, to say the least. I am grateful to have worked alongside a very professional Board of Directors whose guidance is highly appreciated, valued, and respected.
I am happy to announce we have updated our Code of Conduct to be voted on by the membership at our next Annual Meeting. I am looking forward to working on new challenges with the help of MMA and our legislative committee on such things as the Heavy Duty Omnibus regulation and the new truck safety regulations.
I am excited to report that the Mass Highway Association 2024 New England Public Works Expo held in Marlborough was a huge success reaching record breaking numbers for attendance and for vendors. A feat that could not be accomplished without the leadership of Dave Capelle, the committee members, and all the volunteers.
Please note, The Winter Meetingis Postponed to next ThursdayFebruary 13thDue to the expected snow storm. Program and agenda will be the same. If you need to change your reservation please send an email to MHAsecretary1893@gmail.com
This is a central location with plenty of parking and spacious meeting rooms. Mark your calendar and be on the lookout for the program announcement that will be sent in early January.
The 2025 New England Public Works Expo will be held on Wednesday, September 17 and Thursday, September 18th at the Royal Plaza Trade Center in Marlborough, MA.